It’s all about Color Palettes. Color Hopes and Dreams for YOU:
I want you to be inspired by the color palettes you find here, fall in love with color, and buy the Swatch Kit™ so you can properly experience my hand-crafted color schemes in real life.
This is the only website that answers your question, “what are the paint colors in that palette?” I’m filling a niche and serving a market that is desperate to be served.
How many Pinterest boards do you have full of color palettes that you have no clue how to apply and use?
Many websites feature pretty pictures with colors pulled from the image to create a color palette. Some websites even allow users to upload pictures so they use can create palettes on their own. Major problem with that is they only give you HEX values. HEX value is a color code monitors use to display color. HEX values are confusing and not of use to regular people who do not work with image design programs. The average person has no idea how to use the palettes featured except maybe to add them to their Pinterest boards . . . where they sit. . . and stay. . . and are forgotten.
Here’s what we are doing:
Because I am a color expert, I can hand-craft each color palette by eye using real paint colors FIRST then translate colors to HEX values. What that means for you is my palettes are easy to apply to your projects because they exist in real life first; they aren’t just intangible monitor colors. HEX codes provided just because I can do that for you too (did I mention I’m a color expert?).
Tragic clown-like color palettes – why I loathe auto palettes and color apps:
Auto palette creators and color apps from paint manufacturer’s and various vendors are fun to play with but they aren’t real color tools. Here’s something that many people don’t know, color is completely device dependent. A device is a smart phone, lap top, or desktop monitor, etc.
I explain why that is and how that works in my online color training program, The Four Pillars of Color course.
Enjoy searching paint colors here at Swatch Right™ and I hope you find your perfect palette.